Monday, March 1, 2010

The Ugly Truth

Terror gripped her her limbs and she felt it well up in her throat, catching at the back of her mouth just before she screamed. The words that had evoked such a reaction from her left her speechless and rang in her ears like the toll of a death bell over a church in the days of old, when it would ring over the land after a hanging. And she was hung. Perhaps not literally, but in spirit and mind, she may as well be dead.

"I'm leaving."

When my father told us he was leaving, I couldn't comprehend the amount of sheer terror that paralyzed me, left me dumb. And I can tell you right now, the feeling hasn't passed, though that is to be expected. He told us today, after all.

He's not leaving my mother, and there is no divorce involved. He'll be back, very soon. He just needs some space. Or at least, that's what he keeps saying.

He and my mother have been fighting for some time now, and it's always been thanks to yours truly. I'm not an easy person to get along with, I'll tell you that right now, and my parents are no exception to the difficulties. In fact, they actually probably suffer more.

Now, I'm not blaming myself, nor do I think that I'm that horrible of a person. After all, they contribute to the problems themselves. None of us is perfect. I think the general consensus I'm trying to reach is this: We have some serious issues.

By the way, forgive me if my writing is a bit haphazard. It usually matches my thoughts, and at the moment, my mind rather reminds me of a mall; it's crowded, loud and unorganized.

Anyway, I guess my dad has had pretty much enough. He says he's going to leave for about ten days or so. Now, normally this wouldn't be such a big deal: He leaves, he comes home... everything is fine. Here's the problem. Most of the friction in my life comes from my mother, not my dad. That's why they fight, really. He intercedes on my behalf so my mom doesn't scalp me, and then she gets mad because she thinks he isn't supporting her. It's a pretty vicious thing.

So, for him to leave me here without anyone to keep the woman from murdering me in my sleep.... yes, this could be a problem....

Now, some people may think I'm exaggerating about the extent of the trouble between my mother and me. I'll just say this: both CPS (Child Protection Services) and the police have been involved with these issues. I've spent the night at the TCC (Teen Crisis Center) several times, and stayed at friend's houses a few more times. Sometimes the facts aren't pretty, my friends.

And so, you see my dilemma. I'm absolutely terrified that if my mom and I get into a fight while my dad is away, things could turn very ugly. Therefore, I'm going to be on my best behavior, though I'm not sure how much difference that will make, and hope that she refrains from antagonizing me.

So, now you know the Ugly Truth of it.

Over and out for now.

Keep dreaming, my friends.

Miss Maya

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maya Unwrapped

Hello, my name is Maya. Miss Maya, to be exact. Okay, so, no, it isn't my real name, but I'm sure not about to loose my real identity to the entirety of cyberspace! Hahaha.

In any case, if you're reading, you're more than likely wondering who the heck is on the other side of the screen. And so, dear readers, I'm going to tell you as much about myself as I can.

I'm seventeen years old, a junior in high school, and I'm a trifle odd, to put it nicely. To be certain, there's no way any human being in their right mind could call me 'normal'. I think a friend of mine once put it best when he described me as being very 'present'. He claims that wherever I am, the 'essence of me' comes bursting forth, filling the room. I guess that's pretty much the truth. I have a very... potent personality.

I'm not a large person. In fact, I'm rather petite, standing at a mere 5'4" and just small, in general. I'm not athletic by any stretch of the imagination, a good portion of that owed to the fact that I'm a complete and total klutz. I've actually sprained my ankle whilst lying in bed before. Sad, isn't it? So, as a result, I've become rather sedentary, focusing more on art, music, literature... the humanities, essentially.

I have an extremely over-active imagination. This, combined with my love for books, has made me an avid writer, resulting in many short stories as well as a few yet-to-be completed novels. I've also tried my hand at poetry, though I'm not entirely sure how successful I've been at it, seeing as I don't have any friends or teachers that are truly proficient in judging poetry.

I believe that music is synonymous with life. A painter can create a picture on a canvas, but a musician can create a picture on silence alone. All music, even rap or metal or country or jazz or classical or something more eclectic is beautiful and can tell a story, and I love it all.

As far as art goes, I believe I've tried every medium that I can possibly get my hands on, and done (I think) fairly well. I've had some contests that I've won, some of my things featured in the local newspaper, and I feel pretty darn accomplished.

I have a good number of friends, and I adore every single one of them. I can honestly say that I'm excruciatingly loyal, often to a fault. I'm also extremely affectionate and 'huggy', which often gets me into some amount of trouble. Heh.

I definitely consider myself an honest person, sometimes to the point where I'm downright rude, though I'll admit I've told a few tall tales before.

Hm... I guess that about wraps me up, really. If you've got any questions, please feel free to comment! I'd love to hear them.

Over and out.

Keep dreaming, my friends.

Miss Maya

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In the Beginning....

No, I'm not about to start posting scripture. But I will tell you right now that this is my first post on my blog. Now, honestly, I'm fairly certain no one is going to care to read my blog, but, as an author/artist, this was a medium that I hadn't yet explored, and it somewhat reminded me of a blank canvas on which I felt compelled to splay my thoughts, no matter how completely unorthodox or unusual they may be.

I feel, I suppose, that it is necessary to address my blog title, "A Day in the Life of a Dreamer". While many see it as fairly self-explanatory, there are others out there that may want more in the way of my personal reason for choosing it. Simply put, I, Miss Maya, am a dreamer. I'm spacey and slightly neurotic, I'll admit, as well as being as stubborn as a mule and twice as short. My head is constantly in the clouds, mainly because it's way more fun than being stuck on the ground, or worse, being a stick in the mud! (Oh, fair warning, English is actually my third language. Sarcasm and bad puns are my first and second.) Anyways, as the title implies, I'll simply be sharing the often unusual, sometimes rather entertaining events of my life.

I'm still a junior (11th grade) in high school, meaning there's all kinds of dramatic escapades to come, including boys and homework and the like. Then, of course, there's the question of college and jobs and.... UGH! Enough of that, please!

In any case, I'll try to update regularly, though I am notorious for being late with everything. Soon to come, I believe, will be a post that focuses more on the kind of human being I am. Questions and comments are always welcome, as well.

Over and out for now.

Dream on, my dears.

Miss Maya